Episode 7: Wolves in Meribel, Funiculars & Andrew Musgrave

For this episode of the pod, Iain and Jim are joined by Vanessa Fisher, a PR specialist in the UK ski industry.

Sadly, the sound on this podcast Vanessa isn’t ideal. We blame her dad’s broadband and the fact that it had to be a ‘one-take’ podcast, as it was recorded two days before Christmas.

Once you accept that Vanessa isn’t a dalek, there’s some great content here: Jim and Iain give each other Christmas presents; we talk wolves, funiculars and rabbits; there’s our regular snow round up and Iain tries to remember Andrew Musgrave’s name in Korean Korner.

You can listen to The Knowledge is Powder Ski Podcast on Soundcloud, Stitcher and on iTunes.

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Photo that may or may not be a wolf (c) ledauphine.com

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